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Whenever you detect a problem with HotFrameFx or would like to see a new feature added, feel free to submit a new issue on the project's GitHub page:

If you're comfortable with software development, it would be even better if you implement the fix or new feature and submit a pull request for it. The following section explains how to set up the development environment.

Development environment

HotFrameFx is programmed in Object Pascal using the free Lazarus IDE. This webpage explains how to install the Lazarus IDE on your PC.

To obtain the source code of HotFrameFx, you can clone the entire GIT repository to a directory on your PC:

  • git clone HotFrameFx

If you first fork the GitHub project, you can directly submit pull requests for your changes.

Alternatively, you can download everything as a ZIP-file from the project's GitHub page.

You can find all source code in the sources/ subdirectory, including the Lazarus IDE project file:

  • sources/HotFrameFx.lpi

Before opening this project file in the Lazarus IDE, first install the UniqueInstance package. Select PackageOnline Package Manager from the Lazarus program menu. In the dialog that appears, locate the UniqueInstance package and install it:

Afterwards, you can open the sources/HotFrameFx.lpi project file in the Lazarus IDE and start your software development work.